Structure Elucidation,
NMR & Analytical HPLC-MS/MS
Structure Elucidation of Small Molecules and further Unknown Organic Compounds
- from Samples, Mixtures, Extracts or Raw Material
When you have unknown organic compounds in a sample, mixture or raw material, we can determine its chemical structure. Mainly we apply nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy) and mass spectrometry HPLC-MS/MS, UPLC-MS/MS for this analysis. For the exact determination we isolate the component by Preparative HPLC-MS, purify it to high quality and perform extended NMR experiments.
We analyse and profile components in your sample up to the determination of their structure (for components with proportions min. 1%). In particular when information about the source of the sample is given possible structural formulas can be considered and then be verified. The respective component can be separated for further analyses like NMR. By the usage of complementary analytical methods, like HPLC-MS and NMR, the structural formula can be obtained in many cases.
The final and most stringent evidence is the analytical comparison to reference material. If the supposed compound is not available from other sources, we synthesize the compound in our own labs. Thus by relying on our services you will have the essential studies on your sample from one source, by this accelerating and optimizing the whole study.
Development of HPLC-MS and further Chromatographic Methods
for your In-House Usage
We develop chromatographical methods (mainly HPLC-MS) for compounds with unusual behaviour. After finding and optimizing the appropriate method parameter for your samples, also the transfer to your lab equipment is supported.
--> Method Development
Complex HPLC-MS Interpretations
The more you want to know about your sample, the more we step up our examinations. These include:
- the usage and the development of different chromatographical methods
- comparisons to reference materials
- the separation of components for re-chromatographical studies or for further analytical methods like NMR.
In particular we can support you with our experiences in the field of the investigation, isolation and identification of impurities. Having our synthetical and chemical experiences in background, we make suggestions regarding the structure or the nature of impurities, degradation products and further contaminations.
Basic HPLC-MS Studies
In a basic HPLC-MS study with the adequate method, we have a look into your sample and report to you an overview about its content. In such a simple scan lots of information already can be gained and competent interpretations will be given. The estimation of purity values is also offered.
Prices are usually between 250,- EUR and 350,- per sample (discount for multiple samples). Standard sample-handling included.
Automatic HPLC-MS-Reports
In our fastest HPLC-MS service we scan your samples with the appropriate standard method and provide you with the automatic reports for your own interpretation. Overnight the results for up to 100 samples can be provided. Due to the applied technique of Liquid Chromatography only results about solvable components can be obtained.
Prices are starting with 25,- EUR per sample (for multiple samples). Standard sample-handling included.
Competitive and Flexible Pricing
Don't worry about the price! Start with a basic scan and await the results with our interpretations. We will provide you with suggestions, how the project could go on, and how much effort is required for each solution alternative. In the same way the project will be proceeded in each step, and you can stop whenever you want.